
Don’t get stuck with your questions, contact me and just ask!

Wondering how I can help you? Then sign up now for a free session.

After you register for this free session, I will contact you within 48 hours to schedule an appointment. The free session will be held at my practice in Best or online and will last about 30 minutes.

Or maybe you just have a question? Get in touch!


My practise is located at the following address:
Pieter de Hooghstraat 10
5684 ET Best

From Best NS railway station, it is ± 6 minutes’ walk to my practice.

Lekker in je vel met autisme
Chambers of Commerce Eindhoven 65406664
AGB code 41522304
KrAS registration 1335AS1403

P.S. This page is still under construction. It will be improved soon.

Esther Oomen autism coach autismecoach








Autisme specialisme